15 mo - 2.5 yrs
2.5 - 4 yrs
4 - 6 yrs

The Bullfrog
Early Preschool Class
Ages 2.5 - 4 years
The Bullfrog Early Preschool Class is designed to challenge young minds and support social and emotional development in early childhood learning.
The program builds a great foundation of independence as children learn practical life skills such as:
Serving their own snack
Washing their dishes
Putting on their coats and shoes
Using the bathroom.
This is a smaller class where each child gets a turn to do daily special activities. Children work on numeral and quantity recognition and are introduced to letters and sounds. Together, we focus on a different color, shape, character trait and Bible verse each month.
Playing instruments, singing and dancing, painting, story telling and outdoor fun on the playground round out each day.
The Early Preschool Class prepares children to transition effortlessly to the Butterfly Preschool and Kindergarten Class.

Classes are held Monday through Friday 8:15 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
We also have our optional Early Bird Session 7:30-8:15 a.m.
and Extended Session 3:30-5:30 p.m.
September – Cleanliness
“We are Clean”
Color– Red, Shape– Circle
Bible Focus– Creation
“All He Has Made Is Very Good”
-Genesis 1:31
October – Obedience
“We Obey”
Color– Orange, Shape– Triangle
Bible Focus– Noah’s Ark
“Children, Obey your Parents... so
it may go well.” -Ephesians 6:1
November – Gratitude
“We are Thankful
Color– Yellow, Shape– Square
Bible Focus– Father Abraham
“Give thanks to the Lord for he is
good.” -Psalm 136: 1
December - Service
“We Help Others”
Color– Green, Shape– Star
Bible Focus– The Nativity
“God so loved the world that He
gave His only Son (Jesus).” -John 3:16
January – Honesty
“We Use Our Words”
Color– Blue, Shape– Rectangle
Bible Focus– Jesus Heals People
“God is Truthful.” John 3:33
February – Love
“We Love Each Other”
Color– Purple, Shape– Heart
Bible Focus– Jesus Loves The
Little Children
“Let us love one another…”
-1 John 4:7
March – Courage
“Jesus Is With Us”
Color– Pink, Shape– Diamond
Bible Focus– The Easter Story
“Jesus is my helper, I will not be
afraid.” -Hebrews 13:6
April – Peace
“We Are Peaceful”
Color– Brown, Shape– Ovoid
Bible Focus– Jesus Calms the Storm
“Blessed are the Peacemakers– they
are the children of God.”
-Matthew 5:9
May - Friendship
“We Are Friendly”
Color– Black, Shape– Pentagon
Bible Focus– Jesus Feeds the 5000
“A friend loves at all times.”
-Proverbs 17:17