Hi Sarah,
It's actually been really hard to come up with words to express how strongly we feel about your program, but here are some thoughts on why we choose CCM for Kindergarten:
*We feel you have freedom you will not have in other programs to tailor each child’s curriculum to meet their individual needs.
*You and your teachers are highly interactive with each child, they receive incredible support and individual attention (don't know how you do it).
*You have created an environment that builds confidence in each child, we saw Lexie's confidence tested at Free Horizon and thank God that she has been able to rebuild it in her new environment.
*The way you nurture each child really allows them to open up and try, in the end both of our children are awesome readers because of this, we see Lyla constantly trying to sound words out, she's not discouraged if she can't figure it out and she is always on the right track. We also notice an incredible work ethic with Lexie in her new school, she is always on track and so internally motivated which we believe was supported by the Christian side of BCMs curriculum.
*I've always been a firm believer that everybody learns differently and even small attempts at catering to different needs can make a huge difference in education, I feel that you see that as well and make adjustments as needed, that flexibility is really beneficial. We've found the Montessori curriculum to be so incredible for both of our kids; they are really able to make that connection when using their hands to physically reinforce what's being communicated to them.
In the end you have such a loving, supportive environment the comfort and trust you have provided our kids (and us!) have allowed them to open up and learn. I think you have been one of the biggest influences in our lives. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!
The Cone's